
SAVE 15% Plus Get $10 OFF Your First Order

Join the fastest growing weight loss program in Australia now and feel fantastic FAST!

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If you’re a busy woman struggling with your weight…

Does this sound familiar… you’re sick of feeling tired, lethargic and heavy. You've tried all the diets, they start off well, but you just can’t seem to stick to them. ☹️

  • You’re fed-up of cooking yummy food for the family and starving yourself

  • You avoid the scales or are on them obsessively (and then feel guilty and beat yourself up)!

  • You feel defeated before you even start - how is another weight loss program going to change anything? 

What if there was a simple and easy way to lose weight?

The truth is, you don’t have to miss out, starve yourself or feel deprived. You can lose weight, feel great and eat with the family with the right program for you.

Let me show you how.



A weight loss system for women (and men) who are sick and tired of feeling fat and frumpy.

This step-by-step lifestyle program gets incredible results for real women and men around the world.

It includes meal plans, food lists and all the usual stuff, but the real secret to success is the 3-fold support:

  • Support for your gut (help your body help you)
  • Support for your will power (don’t do this alone)
  • Support for your emotions (emotional eaters you’ll love this)

Suitable for vegetarians

Dairy Free

Gluten Free

Suitable for vegetarians

Dairy Free

Gluten Free

Why it works

Women love the Phatt Life Program because its unique support.

From the day you decide to be part of Phatt family you’ll belong to the ‘inner circle’, a community of fiercely loyal women who’ve been where you are and know how tough it is.

They’ve got your back, so you can:

  • Trust yourself to go the distance
  • Stick to your guns when the will power runs short
  • Celebrate the kilos melting away 
  • Share recipes, ideas and wins
  • Connect and make the journey fun!

You deserve to love the way you look!

I know it’s easy to feel like giving up but you’ve got this. You deserve to love the way you look (even if this seems unimaginable right now). With The Phatt Program, you can make a change and feel fabulous again.


The first 3 days

Start your health journey with using the approved food list, meal ideas and nutritional support. 

The focus of step 1 is to remove sugar-dependency by reducing carbohydrates from your diet and allowing your gut to heal. 

Once you’ve completed the first 3 days you’re ready to begin step 2.


Fat Loss & Detox

This is the detox and weight loss step, where you will teach your body how to thrive with nutritionally rich, calorie lean meals. 

Fat will start to burn away during this step as you follow the eating plan and nutritional support for 27 days.

Your supplements will help you sustain energy levels and curb your appetite, so you feel satisfied on less.



This is where you tailor the program to your goals. During step 3 you’ll teach your body how to keep the weight off.

This step is the final link in the chain for your weight loss success and is a vital stage. 

You’ll add some new nutritional support products, gradually increase your calories and find a healthy balance for the future.

Before + After transformations

Real results from real people who have tried everything in the past. We are committed to your success and we'll stand by your side through every step. When you are committed and have the right support system in place, amazing transformation is possible.

Before + After transformations

Real results from real people who have tried everything in the past. We are committed to your success and we'll stand by your side through every step. When you are committed and have the right support system in place, amazing transformation is possible.

Customer Testimonials

"Wow!! This is such a great program. I have found I have more energy, sleeping better and even wake up more refreshed.

One thing I highly recommend is food prep which I have done from day 1. I started this program on 11th May and so far I have lost 10kg.

One thing that I thought I would miss is alcohol, but I’m now almost 6 weeks alcohol free!! It is such a great lifestyle change for the better! I highly recommend this program.

To anyone sitting on the fence it’s time to start 😊 I can’t thank my mentor Natasha Eremin enough, Tash has given me so much support and encouragement from day 1.

To my family 💕💕💕"


See Nicole's life-changing transformation below.  


The Phatt program worked for my husband and I. We were never hungry, the plan is easy to follow and your not left to your own devices.

The group is very supportive & our mentor, Natasha Eremin, was always there to answer our questions and encouraged us along our journey.

I lost 9.6kg & 45.5cm and my husband lost 16.1kg & 30cm - which we are still maintaining thanks to the healthy habits we have embraced.

Apart from the cms & kgs gone, our favourite achievements are being able to get closer to each other for a kiss and cuddle, no more 2pm slumps, the extra energy is a fantastic feeling.

Thirdly fitting into clothes we thought we’d never get into again.

We did it, you can too!


Let’s Recap What’s Included

  • A 30 day program (repeated as often as you like)
  • With a one-off purchase of nutritional supplements
  • Includes personalised mentoring
  • Plus meals plans, food lists and group support

... and no hidden surprises

Let’s Recap What’s Included

  • A 30 day program (repeated as often as you like)
  • With a one-off purchase of nutritional supplements
  • Includes personalised mentoring
  • Plus meals plans, food lists and group support

... and no hidden surprises

How much does the Ph@tt program cost?

Australia $303.60

New Zealand $348.95

USA/Canada $236.92

United Kingdom $172.82

Europe €208.16

Japan ¥32867

India ₹15,590

The cost will cover 30 days of supplements.

Depending on how much weight you would like to lose, you may only need to do one round.

This is NOT a monthly fee.

Mentor Support

Our trained mentors are available to answer any questions you may have to help you get started with the program and will guide and support you every step of the way to help you achieve your weight-loss goal.

JOIN TODAY and SAVE 15% Plus Get $10 OFF Your First Order

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